Nurgle Blight King Skin

Nurgle Blight King Skin

Hello! Ok this is a a note for the Notebook, because I never recall what colours I used for my models. It can be also a first attempt to provide a step by step guide about a W.I.P work.

First of all the Colours used for The Skin! 

  • On the left hand side we have the base colours Elf Skin Tone and Red, followed by Beige and White for the skin tones.
  • On the right hand side we have the shadows colours, Purple, Flat Red and Dark Prussian Blue.
  • Not listed in the photo there should be also Flat Yellow, used for for some blights and harmonise some blending

The Base!

I have placed the base Elf Skin Tone and initial shadow with Red. I usually don't use pure colours, I always give 2-3 layers of thinned colours. Furthermore I usually always blend the colours since the beginning. 
I think there are 2 main way for blending the colours with brushes:
  1. Place the base colour, then the tone covering a smaller surface and finally blend the colours using glazes (very thinned small brush strokes). I suggest this super painter for having an idea about it
  2. Place the base colour and start directly the blending to a tone or a shadow of a smaller area. This is how I do it. I found it easier for me, it is messier at the beginning, you have to be careful of thinned colours flowing away or not posing well. So you need a second brush for mopping around :).

Some Shadows and Highlight!

Now here I started adding some shadows! Red and Purple and little bit of Blue. Because the base shadow is Red, you can alternate adding Purple and Blue to Red or pure. Just remember to thin it for placing light glazing. If you go with full un-thinned colour, is bad :D.

The highlight, same story add Beige to Elf Skin Tone and blend it with glazes of the mix. Paint a smaller area so the base colour is still there. 

More Shadows and Highlights and some pure glazing!

So here we have more Blue and Purple shadows in smaller areas. Go with pure colours, don't mix them anymore with Red. Try to add them in the recess thinking about a zenithal light source. So make darker under the arms, belly, breast, tentacles and legs.

The highlights are a base mix of Elf Skin Tone + Beige toned up with White. Add the White a little bit at a time, because it rockets to super bright colours very easily. Don't use it pure, mix it always.

Now for providing a sore and inflamed sensation, I added some Flat Red super thinned glazes around the wounds and blights. It is also a good bridge from the deep shadows and the exposed fat :). Furthermore you can use a super thinned Yellow for harmonising the blending. You can see it on the big tentacle of the model right hand side nearby the small spots.

Spots! spots are always very good for breaking big boring surfaces, but not for all the models! :D

More Shadows, Blue Tentacles and cleanup!

So added more shadows in the deepest recess, coloured the tentacles for a purple to blue tips. and Minor cleanup. Go around the model, check each single piece and fix problems, maybe a bad blending or a brush stroke or some too thinned colour flooded away. A small tip is to keep always a second brush little bit wet, if you do an error adding a fresh color on a already dried surface, u can erase it with the second brush. 

And that's it! :) happy painting days!
